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Injury Compensation

Pain and Suffering, What Gives?

A client recently asked whether she can recover pain and suffering damages. She quickly followed up with another question – what counts as pain and suffering? These questions appear simple – were you in pain and did your suffer? However, what counts as pain and suffering is not so cut and dry. With a better understanding of pain and suffering damages, hopefully these questions of become more clear. If you are like me, you have stubbed your toe. Whether on[...] read more

Comparative Negligence

Who wins when two parties cause an accident? Consider this: you pull into the intersection on a green light in order to turn left but the light turns red before you can go. Do you back up, sit there, or go ahead and turn? The law is generally on your side if you decide to turn because drivers may clear the intersection after the light turns red. This makes perfect sense–after all, sitting in the middle of a busy intersection[...] read more